Nick Might Strangle Me...

...but I think I found some more music for us to work on. :)
Our practice went very well last week, and I'll fortunately be spending a couple evenings with him next week (I'll be there for a conference). One of the new songs for us to work on will be a doozy: R.E.M.'s It's the End of the World as We Know It.
We have some things lined up! The first gig I'll do as a solo at the Region 9 Consultation on Global Mission, Hunger, and Poverty. It'll be October 27 in Columbia, SC. The consultation will include leaders in the ELCA from Virginia down to Florida that have strong ministries the mentioned global issues. No money will be raised at this event (most likely), but it is a great way to get the word out there about what it is we are doing.
We are now booked to perform at Belmont Abbey College on Thursday, November 16. This is during their campus' Hunger Week, in which events and activities raising awareness for the poor pervade the campus activities. This should be a lot of fun, since it'll be college students and I am acquainted with many of them.
Then on Sunday, November 19 we are signed up to play at Cross of Christ Lutheran in Concord, NC. We will offer our talents to God during parts of the worship that morning, and we'll then have our show during their luncheon to raise money for the ELCA World Hunger Appeal.
Things are progressing! Hopefully we'll soon have our hands on some sound equipment too!
~ Make a Joyful Noise to the Lord!