It's Been So Long

The trip I'm currently on involves three stops: first was the retreat with the youth group, then the NC Synod convocation, and now I'm visiting my parents and grandmother for a couple of days. Because I was short on time and had more than one event to prepare for, I forgot many things I should have packed. One item I forgot was the business cards for The Normies that I was going to hand out to people at the synod convo. Oops. Fortunately I was able to reconnect with many colleagues and I believe that a future mention in the synod eNews will grab the attention of the others.
At the synod convo I was able to have a jam session with many other parish workers two nights in a row. I must say that a few of them are excellent guitarists. If I were able to devote time everyday to learning more about guitar technique, it would still be well over a year before I am at a comparable level to them. Also, they have decades of songs memorized - it will take me the same length of time to memorize as many songs as them. Regardless, it was a lot of fun, I learned a lot, and I think it helped a bit for future networking of The Normies. A great friend and fellow youth worker, Leslie, sort of put together the jam session. She has a great voice and enjoys playing the guitar as well, so I asked if she would join Nick and I for a few songs whenever she can make it to a performance. One song Leslie and I spoke at length about her singing is What's Up? by the 4 Non-Blondes.
A friend through college, Heather, has connections at The Lutheran Magazine and she is writing a short article about this past year's fundraising and the Ironman I did for the ELCA World Hunger Appeal. I received a rough copy of the article yesterday in my email and it mentions what Nick and I are doing. I've requested that part be included in the final edition, but Heather has already told me that decision is up to her editor.
Tonight I'll give a short, solo performance for our biggest fans: my father, mother, and grandmother. :)
~ Make a joyful noise to the Lord.