Nick and I were planning to take a bit of a hiatus during the month of December, but then the call came. :)
The call was a last minute request to play at the North Central Cluster (of LYO) Fall Rally in Greensboro. Apparently someone backed out on them that was supposed to provide music on Friday night, so The Normies were contacted to fill in. I've had the pleasure of working with a young lady named Sarah during the last couple of days on the phone and through email to coordinate this last minute gig.
Unfortunately, Nick and his wife, Mandy, already had plans for the evening and it was too late to change them. So this performance will be another solo by yours truly, similar to the Columbia performance.
My plans for Friday were to meet with other members of the ONE Campaign in the Charlotte area to discuss plans to organize some events. I was able to contact one of the other leaders with the organization, and fortunately she is able to meet 30 minutes in advance of the planned time. That'll give us time to discuss a few things, then I can leave so she can carry the conversation on with anyone else that shows up. It's a little unfortunate that I won't be able to meet some of the other ONE members, but I think they'll understand when it's explained that I'm skipping out of the usual meeting in order to raise money for the hungry. :)
~Make a Joyful Noise to The Lord
Labels: Charlotte, Greensboro, LYO, ONE
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